Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Its been a spell since I've posted here. A whole month. Its been a busy December.

Last month we decided that we couldn't afford to bring my daughter and son over from the USA here for Christmas. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make. The concession was for me to go over in January to take their Christmas presents to them and to bring the twins stuff back from their dad back with me. My plane ticket was about half of one of theirs. The airlines really get you during the holidays, don't they?

We had to discuss it with all the children. First was the twins - it was difficult but they understand that this was the only option we had at the moment. We have a wedding to go to in 2012 - and a college graduation. We can't miss that. So we have to make this sacrifice in order to make sure we go next year. So this was the sacrifice. Then I called our two in the States and explained it to them.

As I said, it was difficult but we got through it. Christmas was okay if weird without the kids. Even when we went to my in-laws for their part of Christmas, it just somehow felt different - just not "right" if you understand what I mean.

Well, now its 2011 and we all have a clean slate to start out a new year. I never ever make resolutions but I'm going to this year.

1) I'm going to write an actual letter to everyone in my address book (well, those that don't live in my village anyway). It won't have any =)'s or lol's or any references to anything like Facebook or emails, etc. I think that actual letter writing is a lost art. I hope I remember how to do it!

2) Swim as much as I can - its fun and its great exercise and a great way to get fit again. I want the inside of my body to be as fit as possible.

3) Learn a new skill this year. Not sure what yet but I'm going to take some kind of course.

4) Get a new job.

That's it. That's what I want to do. I just hope that I can stay motivated to do it. When I start to falter, I'll remember something my Grandfather said to me many moons ago - "I learn something new every day. The day I stop learning, is the day I die." He didn't stop learning until he was nearly 83. I'm only 42 so I've got a lot of learning yet to do.

So that's my New Year post. I'll update more frequently this year. I hope to impart some wisdom along the way and to make you smile a few times. And I'll add photos whenever I can. =)

May 2011 bring you health, happiness, and a sense of joy like you've never experienced.

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