I've just recently put a deposit down on a narrowboat for a trip on the Leeds & Liverpool canal in mid-October. I simply cannot wait till we get the trip underway!
I've been doing the necessary research and feel a bit more confident but it's just like driving - you can read about it all you like, but you have to actually get behind the wheel to get any experience. So once I'm at the helm, I'll know whether or not I'll be okay with the operation or not.
I'm planning on writing a trip report (yup, good old fashioned trip report - good times, good times!) afterwards so I hope you stay tuned to read all about it. I promise to try not to make it too boring. My goal is to make you want to do a canal boat trip after reading my report!
If there's something you want to know about them, just ask - I'll answer when I can!
Until next time!